Lawrence (1994) heeft in 2015 eindexamen gedaan op de Umbwi Secondary School in Dedza, met een zodanig goed resultaat dat hij is uitgenodigd om aan de Catholic University of Malawi in Limbe te gaan studeren. StandUp4Talent heeft zijn studie Bachelor of Commerce (Accountancy) mogelijk gemaakt en in het najaar van 2021 heeft hij zijn studie afgerond. Na zijn afstuderen heeft hij op eigen initiatief nog een extra studie Leadership and Ministry (Theology) gedaan, waarvoor hij in november 2022 is afgestudeerd.
Omdat het erg moeilijk is om baan te vinden in Malawi is hij daarna op vrijwillige basis bij een ziekenhuis gaan werken om werkervaring op te doen en zijn kansen op een betaalde baan te vergroten.
In zijn laatste studiejaar schreef hij voor ons zijn “life story”:
I was born in 1994 on 10th October. My mother died in 1999 and my father died in 1995. I have been living with my old mother from their clan and my uncle since then.
My life has been so miserable because I was lacking total care from my parents. I have been sweating for me to survive. I was living with no food sometimes more especially early years of my life (1998 to 2011) and indeed starvation suffering was the order of the day.
Clothing. I was not wearing clothes as people used to nowadays. By recalling myself I remember I had four clothes of which I was wearing for a year (I had two strong short jeans and two strong Shirts—2000, the year of starvation in Malawi) This was so because there was no one to support me because these people whom I was living with they had their children whom they were caring most unlike me.
Schooling. I started school from my primary school at Kalilombe in Bembeke Dedza district and I have been passing exams one class from another although I was struggling to find exercise books. For me to get these books I was growing vegetables and after sales I was able to buy some resources for school. Sometimes I was doing piece works like heading bags of maize to the market and also a heap of tomatoes going to the market and after being paid I was able to buy clothes and exercise books.
Other problems I have been facing are unlisted because are many. What I have learnt in life, is to be cool and to use the period very wisely for that there is no other period to the extra of something, be you not someone else.
From the point when I was selected to go to Umbwi secondary school. This time I was lucky to have you (Mim-Foundation and Standup4Talent) starting paying fees for me. Although I was struggling but it was different with primary level because other well-wishers were helping me with clothes and exercise books and other necessary materials for academic.
It’s through you (Mim-Foundation and Standup4Talent) that I have enjoyed life just because of your financial support for my academic. The fees that you have been paying for is still working because am gaining knowledge, skills, techniques and experience through schools that you have sent me to. Without you I was nothing on this planet earth.
Am now an accountant, this is my final year of study and next year I have to celebrate for the work well done. Am happy to be an accountant because I have gain knowledge, skills, techniques and experiences throughout my studies here at the catholic university of Malawi.
My expectation. Due to the high unemployment rate here in Malawi it is difficult to have hope and high perception that after school I will get job because an increasing number of youth are now full of job hunting. Many companies here in Malawi they need experience of work in practical terms of the similar job, so many graduates find it difficult to compete on that. Having said this, my expectation is to do business after my studies since I can do well on that because accounting is full of business lessons and am business oriented. I hope you will welcome my business plans that will be out after my studies here at the catholic university of Malawi. Through this ambition I hope I shall be able to employ people to reduce unemployment rate and also to support other needy students in the form of social responsibility. As it is, please support me in all angles of life so that I can be able to reach out to other needy people, so that their lives can be uplifted as you have done to me.
To pay you a visit. I hope I shall be there one time for further studies through your support and also to present myself there in the presences of Mim-foundation and Standup4Talent members so we can enjoy ourselves as a unique family.
The Almighty God who knows how to bless abundantly, may He bless the entire family of Mim-Foundation and Standup4Talent. I am your son for real and you have no liability through my education and my life. You have done to me so that me, I can do unto others.
With regards