Everyone has talents, but not everyone gets a chance to let them flourish
Everyone on this earth is born with a set of unique talents. However, the extent to which those talents can flourish is strongly determined by the environment where a child grows up. The educational level of the parents, the living conditions of the family and their financial resources, the study facilities offered by be the government, the educational opportunities in the immediate neighbourhood, etc.
In rich Western countries, there are plenty of opportunities for most most children to develop their unique talents and as a result build a good and fulfilling life. The governments of most Western countries generally invest a lot of money in youth welfare and development, and in the quality of schools, universities and vocational training.
How different this is in many other countries. How much talent of young people, remains ” unused”, is never developed? How many many children/young people can do so much more than low-paid labour in filthy factories or work in the fields to help the family get a higher income?
Since its establishment in 2014, the Foundation “StandUp4Talent” has been supporting children and young people to develop their talents in Indonesia, Kenya, Malawi, South Africa, Peru, Nepal and Nigeria.
Click here for more information about the way we aim to achieve this.
Foundation “StandUp4Talent” has been classified as a General Benefit Intended Institution (ANBI) by the Dutch tax authorities. This qualifies donations as income or corporate tax deductible under certain conditions. More information: Click here